Sunday, July 22, 2012

Diva vs. The Infirmary Mouse...Round 4.

Things I don't like about living in the woods: 

  • Poison Ivy
  • Bees
  • Raccoons 
  • Bears
But, most importantly, one of the main things I don't like about living in the woods....

Living in the infirmary with 9 girls has been such an experience. We've battled a small fridge with 9 girls' worth of food/alcohol, the challenge of having 2 showers, and numerous power outages. However, some of the most memorable/terrifying experiences I have had all summer has been our numerous encounters with mice. Usually, they get caught with one of 3 traps we have spread throughout the house (note: peanut butter is indeed a good bait for mice)...emphasis on the usually. Last week, after a long day of work, I was taking a shower and enjoying the peace and quiet. All of a sudden, I heard an ear-piercing scream emanate throughout the house. Thinking it was Townley or Harriet being crazy like they sometimes are, I continued with my shower, brushing it off and getting back to relaxing. A few seconds later, I heard a tap on my door and within seconds Harriet informed me that not only was there another mouse in our house it was in my room...and they lost it. I quickly jumped out the shower, threw a towel on, and busted out the door, with only ONE shaved leg. Only to find Harriet and Katie with brooms and dustpans moving my bedroom furniture around and searching for the mouse. It's also important to mention that Harriet was standing in a clothes basket, serving as protection, while Katie, "bravely moved around the room searching for the vermon, barefooted". It was seriously something you would have seen in a SNL skit or something. Wanting no part in the mouse hunt, I ran outside my room only to find Townley and Ella standing on top of the couches in our den, focusing intently on the door hoping that a mouse wasn't going to sprint out towards them. Realizing that my bladder needed to be emptied, I ran to our hall bathroom, freaking out and not really paying attention to my surroundings...Bad choice. **Note: the next paragraph contains gruesome sound and imagery**. 
As I went to close the bathroom door, I heard a sound that I cannot describe. I imagine it's what it sounds like when you break your finger or toe. Basically a dainty CRUNCH sound. Anyways, I freak out and look down only to see little gus-gus twitching and convulsing between the door and the frame. 
Diva killed the mouse. And I've never been more tormented. 

Monday, July 9, 2012


So sorry it's been such a long time since I blogged last! Things at Kanuga have been so crazy and hectic in the past few weeks. Here's a small rundown on everything that's been going on:
I was in charge of my first carnival and, typical of the mountains, it rained...thus moving us inside. Although extremely stressful, I think we pulled it off pretty well.
I was also in charge of my first Fun Run. For those who aren't aware what exactly a "Fun Run"'s pretty much the opposite of fun for the staff. It's when a big group of children aged 3-14 come and run a road race. Then, after they're finished, their counselors and directors corral them up in order to sign them out. It's pretty hectic to say the least. This summer, one of my main goals was to make it a little less chaotic and more organized for the directors and counselors. I'd like to say that I was successful in this goal, but we'll have to see what the parents think when their evaluations get finished and turned in.
This past week was the first week of Guest Period and I was so relieved to see the number of kids who not only I remembered, but those who remembered me as well. It was cool to think that I must have done something right last year that they remembered me. I even had a mom tell me that I looked like I had lost a bunch of weight since last year...thanks I think? Her two sons were some of my favorite, so I really have to take it as a compliment.
Chad came up last weekend for a visit and it was seriously so wonderful to be with him! We went on a hike and spent a lot of time together in the mountains. It was so nice to be together for a short time, but it made me miss him even more. It's hard to believe that we are about to be seniors in college...what a wild ride these past 3 years have been. Speaking of school, I've been working on Student Government a lot while at camp, and it's making me so so excited for orientation and this upcoming school year! (But that's another blog for another time) 
I get to go home this weekend and I CANNOT WAIT! It's been more than a month since I've seen my family and all I want right now is a home cooked meal, a cold glass of wine, and some front/back porch sittin' with the best family around. I only have to make it through the next 4 days then it's Darlington bound!
The summer staff this year has been so phenomenal and I cannot say enough wonderful things about the girls I am blessed enough to call my hosuemates. We had a fourth of july party at the waterfront last week and it was seriously one of the greatest nights I've had in a long time! I'll include some pictures below to clue you in on the fun that was had by all.
I know that this is a random and eclectic list of things, but I have to catch you up somehow!
Also, if the ReChaco people are reading this...take care of my babies and get them back to me as soon as possible! You guys are awesome!!! (I sent my chacos in for a facelift along with a postcard and a link to my blog...if it's you guys, hope you aren't disappointed!)

 Me and Chad after our hike to Long Rocks
 The girls of the Infirmary...minus Lindsay! 
 Bethany--my boss and one of my close friends! So blessed to work with her.
 So blessed to have these two here with me this summer! 

I get to live here all summer...jealous? you should be! 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Diva Goes On A Hike

So remember that time I went to camp when I was 9 and locked myself in a bathroom? Remember that time I swore I would never go to camp again because the outdoors were just not for me? I distinctly remember the day Mom and Dad picked me up from camp and we made our journey back to Darlington. I made them promise me they would never make me do that again, and since that day, I have been terrified of camp. However, I have also been extremely jealous of those kids who are "camp kids". You know, the kids who can go on a 5 mile hike like it's nothing, and those who don't mind not bathing for 2 weeks straight. Although my hygiene standards haven't changed a lot, my tolerance and appreciation for the great outdoors has. 
Today, after a very long night last night, me, Harriet and Lizzie woke up and decided we wanted to go on a hike to Eagle Rock, an infamous spot that has the reputation of having some of the best views around.  I was really nervous about the hike...I mean it's nothing extreme, but other than a walk around the lake, I had never really been on anything like it. We started and after a lot of pushing my leg muscles to go harder, and a solid 40 minutes, we made it. And the view was absolutely breath-taking. 
I felt so close to God up there and it really hit me how amazingly blessed I am. Not only to be at Kanuga this summer, but how blessed I am to be supported by him, just like I was by that rock today. It reminded me a lot of my favorite Bible verse: "So do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". (Isa. 41:10). It's really amazing to me that no matter what I do or say, God will always be there supporting me and loving me with the most unconditional love I will ever know. Stronger than any rock or mountain around, and it's completely beautiful. 

Kanuga so far has been absolutely amazing. The staff has been so supportive and fun and I am so so thankful to have two of my best friends with me along for the ride. Last week we had a really great group of kids and I am getting more excited for the groups coming up in the next few weeks. Conference period is so exhausting though because we are working 12 hour days! That's such a long time to be running around with kids in the sun/rain. Thankfully, the counselors are all done with training so we have them to help spread the work load which means that we don't work every day all day. I'm also super excited for this upcoming week because I get to head to PC for the Administrative Council Retreat which, as lame as it sounds, is one of my most favorite things to attend. It's the planning retreat for the upcoming school year with all the administration on campus and I cannot wait to see all the people from PC I have been missing so much! 

Here are some pictures from today's hike. I am hesitant to post them because they really don't do the view justice. Hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as I did! 

That's all for tonight, I am beat! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Divas Do Carpentry....Kinda.

Hello friends!
Since my last blog, a lot has happened here at Kanuga. The 21+ girls finally moved into our cabin, and it's a pretty sweet set up. We have a full kitchen and tv so I guess we aren't really "camping" but whatever. We have literally been up to our elbows in bleach all day because we've been cleaning our program areas. My hands have a bleach stench to them I cannot get rid of!
So we moved in to "The Infirmary" yesterday afternoon and among our moving in, Harriet and Townley quickly realized they did not have enough room in their tiny living space for all of their clothes. That's where Wal-Mart comes in. About an hour and a few dollars later, Harriet returned back to the infirmary with a shelving system that required a little DIY. With a little help from me and Townley and a lot of frustration and confusion, the divas successfully(ish) put together a shelf. I've attached some pics from our process of putting together the shelves.
 Harriet nailing down the back of her shelves. 
 Sitting IN the shelves. A little confused and a LOT frustrated. 
Finished product. Ta Da!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Breath of Fresh Air

Today is only my second day back at Kanuga and it has been such an amazing two days so far. It's been such a different experience from last year! I am seriously so thankful that Harriet and Townley are working here this summer; they have truly been my saving graces and an excellent source of entertainment. 
So, other than typing out all the details of camp so far, I'm going to make a few lists:

A) Things I've done so far

  • Got Belay Certified: This was so much fun and so challenging. I am seriously so proud of myself that I accomplished this. It took a whole day of training but I learned so much and I'm actually pretty confidant at belaying someone at the climbing tower.
  • Attempted to Climb: Although I got maybe like 15 feet in the air, I attempted to climb the climbing tower today, and I didn't hate it. I've made a goal to keep trying so maybe I can reach the 50 ft mark at the top. Note to self: Don't look down. 
  • Met some really amazing people. I'll go more into detail about them later. 
B) Things I'm nervous about:
  • Bethany wants me to get certified to drive Kanuga's bus...not really in my comfort zone right now. Just put it this way: Last year, a director wrecked the bus and it still hasn't completely been settled yet. We will see how this goes, I suppose. 
  • Carnival: This is one of my most favorite parts about Kanuga, and I'm so lucky that it is now a big part of my job description. However, I'm nervous because I really want to shake things up a bit and change some things. Putting it gently, I'm nervous because the guest period families are not completely open to change. Here goes nothin..
C) Things I'm excited about: 
  • Living in the infirmary!! This is the girls over 21 cabin this year and I couldn't be more excited. There's 9 of us living in the cabin, but we don't get to move in until late tomorrow night because they are currently moving a bunch of year-round boy staffers out. Fun story: The garbage disposal has apparently been broken for months now and the stench has been held in by a mountain dew bottle. Advice from the boys: Don't remove the bottle. Advice from the girls: Get it fixed. 
  • New experiences: The Baker Building was such a blessing last year but I really cannot wait to see what this job opens me up to this year. It's such a broad job description so I can't wait to see what all I get to do.
  • Potentially becoming a Primary for the Climbing Tower. This means I would be in charge of set up and take down and it's a whole lot of responsibility. It also involves climbing a 50ft ladder and standing at the top of the tower. Things to pray about, I suppose? 
I'll keep y'all updated as soon as something more exciting happens. Right now, it's really a bunch of directors getting trained for our kids.
For now, here's a picture of Diva beginning her climb...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Give me just a little more time"

I know this post isn't necessarily "camp" related, but it's related to time, which is kinda related to camp in the since that I'm only at camp for a short time. Today was PC's graduation, and it has probably been one of the most surreal moments of my life. As I sat on PC's beautiful lawn, I watched friend after friend cross the stage and receive their diploma. Finally, it's hit me that this time next year, that will be me...and I don't think I've ever been more sad or terrified. I'm confidant that PC has prepared me for life in the real world, but I love PC so much I literally don't want to leave.
Driving back, I was jamming to a solid mix cd I made before I left and the classic shag song "Give me just a little more time" came on and I just couldn't help but to fitting. A little more time...isn't that what we all want sometimes? More time with our loved ones, more hours in the day, more time to sleep or rest, or more time just to get all of our work done. This summer and this coming school year, I'm going to try to stop wishing for more time and, instead, to take advantage of the little time I've been given on this earth. Because, quite frankly, the next year is going to fly by. And soon, too soon, I'll be walking across a stage in front of Neville hall, shaking our President's hand, and receiving my diploma. Soon, I'll be leaving PC and heading to life in the real world.
Until then, here's to enjoying the time I have with the people I love and the things I enjoy.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Diva is Back!

Sorry about my hiatus, friends! 
Well, earlier this semester the time came to decide what I wanted to do this summer. Of course I had so much fun last summer at camp but did I want to do it again? PTL Anna and Kanuga came to  PC for a camp fair and I immediately knew after i felt the immense amount of pride I had for Kanuga that I had to go back. And luckily, I convinced two of my besties, Harriet and Townley to apply to work there too!
We found out a few weeks ago that we all got hired! What a blessing it will be to have two of my dearest friends at camp this summer for a few reasons:
1)We're all 21 now, so I'll have someone to do adult things with on weekends
2) I'll always have a little piece of PC with me in the mountains with my pals
3) I can get away from the young crowd from last know how much I love a good highschool throw down! not.
4) I know they'll always have me laughing
5) They're my sisters...any other reasons? 

Although I'm super bummed that my old boss, Anna, left us and decided to pursue a different career path, I'm super excited about working with Bethany this summer! I've only met her via Skype but she seems really awesome and so fun!

My job this year is different than last year. Although I will for sure miss my babies in the Baker Building I wanted to work in more than just one area of Kanuga, so I applied to be the Assistant to the Program Director, which means I kind of help with everything. If a program needs an extra hand, I fill in, or I help get carnival together, or help set up for an event. Kind of an all-conclusive job description which I feel like fits me well because I don't have a very long attention span. 

Thinking about this summer makes me so happy, yet so sad at the same time. This week at school it's our last week of classes and I've already begun counting down "The Lasts"...and I'm thinking of this summer as "my last" summer of freedom. Ideally, next summer I'll either be preparing for Graduate School or be Employed by the real world, but if that doesn't work out I'll always be welcome at Kanuga. I cannot believe I'm almost a Senior...until I have to face the facts, I'm going to continue living in denial while getting tan. 

I leave June 4 so let the countdown begin! Until then, here's a list of everything I'm excited for this summer:
1) Seeing my babies from the Baker particular, Sweaty May. 
2) Reuniting with my old pals from last year, specifically Nan, Chelsea, Kat, and Nicole. 
3) THE LAKE...seriously it may smell funky some days but it is so beautiful
4) Slip N Slide
5) Building back up my Chaco Tan
6) Playing No Bones
7) Carnival Nights 
8) Smiling and trying to suck up to Miss Anita
9) Getting to order prizes off of Oriental Trading...I could do it all day
10) Rocking on the big front porch of the conference of life's little pleasures.

I'll cut the list there, but here's to another summer of laughs, sun tans and some more funny stories to throw your way!